How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube using Helm

In this article we are going to cover How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube using Helm and Deploy an App on ArgoCD.


  • Install Minikube on Linux
  • Install Kubectl on Minikube Instance
  • Install Helm on Minikube

Install Minikube and kubectl on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

How to Install HELM

Step #1:Install ArgoCD on Minikube using Helm

once Minikube setup done, Add the ArgoCD Helm repository to Helm. Run the following command:

git clone

Change the folder where you need to install Argo using helm charts 

cd argo-helm/charts/argo-cd/

Just like other Kubernetes tools, ArgoCD requires a namespace with its name. Therefore, we will create a namespace for argocd named myargo

kubectl create ns myargo

You can modify any custom values in values.yaml. But for now we will process using default values.yaml

Update the dependencies in the chart by executing the below command.

helm dependency up

Install argo using helm command 

helm install myargo . -f values.yaml -n myargo


Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "myargo"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "myargo"


If you face the above issues with CRDs, then comment crds install value to ‘false’ in values.yaml. Refer to the below command.  

# -- Install and upgrade CRDs
install: false

Step #2:Verify ArgoCD Installation on Minikube

Once the installation is complete, let’s see the pods running 

kubectl get po -n myargo
How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube using Helm 1

Step #3:Access ArgoCD UI on Browser

By default, the ArgoCD server is not exposed outside the cluster. You can expose it using port-forwarding to access the ArgoCD UI.

After ensuring the pods are running, then port-forward the Argo cd service to access the service from the browser. 

kubectl port-forward svc/myargo-argocd-server -n myargo --address 8080:443

The ArgoCD UI will be available at http://localhost/IP:8080. Access it through your web browser.

Now we can go to a browser and open instance_ip:8080

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 3

You will see a privacy warning. Just ignore the warning, click on Advanced and then hit on Proceed to localhost (unsafe) to continue to the GUI interface. (Your browser setting may present a different option to continue).

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 4

Get the initial password for the admin user to log in

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 5

Use the generated password to log in as the admin user in the ArgoCD UI.

We have covered Install ArgoCD on minikube using Helm

Step #4:Deploying an app on ArgoCD

Now that we are in the user interface, we can create a new app. The source code for my application is in my GitHub repo, so We will connect my GitHub repo to ArgoCD.

After logging in, click the + New App button as shown below:

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 6

Give your app the name guestbook, use the project default, and leave the sync policy as Manual:

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 7

Connect the repo to Argo CD by setting repository url to the github repo url, leave revision as HEAD, and set the path to guestbook:

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 8

For Destination, set cluster URL to https://kubernetes.default.svc (or in-cluster for cluster name) and namespace to default:

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 9

Click on Create after that you can see

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 10

click on guestbook then you will see the result

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 11

Click on Synchronize

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 12
How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App 13

Now we can App got deployed on ArgoCD.


We have covered How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube using Helm and Deploy an App on ArgoCD.

Related Articles:

How to Install ArgoCD on Minikube and Deploy an App

Shweta Mamidwar

I am Shweta Mamidwar working as a Intern in Product Company. Likes to share knowledge.

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