In this article, We are going to cover Docker Tutorial for Beginners step by step, Docker Installation on Ubuntu and Windows 10, Dockerfile Instructions with Examples.
Docker Image , Docker Compose Docker Basic commands with examples, Docker command cheat sheet in image and pdf format and Docker Interview Questions and Answers for freshers.
Table of Contents
What is Docker ?
Docker is a brilliantly designed software container platform. This software is used for virtualization, you can execute multiple operating systems on the same hosting. Moreover. This platform provides an isolated environment where you can develop, ship and execute the applications.
Docker is a very well designed tool that makes creation, deployment, and execution of application via the containers. In a Docker container, the developer can add all the components of an app that can include libraries, another resource etc. Everything
can be shipped in a single package.
In addition to it, Docker provides a robust client-server application architecture with a powerful server, REST API and command-line interface client. You can use the same infrastructure to run more containers and utilize fewer resources. Overall, it has a positive effect on efficiency.
Docker can be installed on any operating system, it can be Mac, Windows, Linux and even cloud. It works only on 64 bit Linux installation and needs a Linux kernel of 3.10 and a higher version.
A Docker container offers an isolated environment to execute the application. These containers work as a platform to reduce the overall infrastructure and maintenance costs. Here are the top features of Docker.
Top Features of Docker
Here are the top features of Docker which makes it an incredibly centralized platform to execute any application for your choice.
1. Effortless Configuration
With Docker, the configuration is significantly fast. The overall delivery and development is also super fast. The best part about Docker containers is, it boosts productivity and supports all types of environment. Options like easy rollback make
everything effortlessly simple.
2. Increased Productivity
Docker empowers productivity since there is zero dependencies. Getting started is super fast and easy. Docker is extremely lightweight and can be configured and deploy any application with lightning fast speed.
3. Reduced Cost
With Docker the resource cost is reduced this is because each contains is independent and can be executed in all types of platforms. In short, the workload density can be reduced by reducing the cost.
4. Independent Platform
The biggest benefit of Docker is that it provides an excellent isolated environment, every container is independent and works great in all types of platforms. You can run any number of the application without worrying about the platform.
5. Safety
Docker containers are the safest option, you can save all type of crucial files into the swarm. The service can be only accessed when the required permission is given to the respective individuals.
6. Lightning fast configuration.
The configuration is easy and faster with docker. Code deployment takes less time and effort. Moreover, it supports an array of environments and configuration is effortless.
7. Boost productivity
The technical configuration is easy and the development speed is high, this ensures increases productivity. Docker is also lightly weighted which adds more value to productivity.
8. Is located Environment
Docker provides application isolation this is because each container is independent and works well for all types of applications.
9. Incredible Swarm
Swarm works as a clustering and scheduling tool. The Docker API is used as a front end which is used to control the cluster of virtual hosts.
10. Secured
With docker, it is easy to save secrets into the swarm. Eventually, the service access can be granted as per requirement.
Docker is a one-stop solution that offers a platform to run any application in a secured and isolated environment. With docker, you can run any number of containers in an host simultaneously.
Docker Tutorial for Beginners
We have categorized below Basic Practical Docker Tutorial for Beginners which will help to those who want to start learning Basic Docker Tutorial
Docker Installation
How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 19.10/18.04/16.04 LTS
How to Install Docker on Windows 10
Dockerfile Instructions
Dockerfile Instructions with Examples
Docker Image
How to Create Docker Image for Node JS Application [2 Steps]
Shell Script to Build Docker Image [2 Steps]
Docker Compose
How to Create Docker Image for Node JS Application [2 Steps]
Docker Compose Keycloak Postgres [2 Steps]
Docker Commands
100 Docker Basic Commands with Examples
81 Docker Command Cheat Sheet in Image and PDF Format
Docker Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
50 Real Time Docker Interview Questions and Answers
We have covered Docker Tutorial for Beginners, what is Docker, Top Docker features, Docker Installation on Ubuntu and Windows 10, Dockerfile Instructions with Examples, Docker Image , Docker Compose , Docker Basic commands with examples, Docker command cheat sheet in image and pdf format and Docker Interview Questions and Answers for freshers.