In this article, We are going to perform Dockerfile Instructions with Examples/Dockerfile Instructions Explained with Examples.
A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user can call on the command line to build the Docker image.
Below is workflow to create Docker Container from Dockerfile
Dockerfile –> Docker Image –> Docker Container
Table of Contents
What is Dockerfile Instructions ?
Dockerfile contains a set of Instructions to build Docker Image -> from Docker Image -> running Docker container
Dockerfile Instructions with Examples
#1: FROM –
FROM in Dockerfile Instruction used to specify Docker Image Name and start the build process
Example 1:
#specify a Base Image FROM ubuntu:latest
Example 2:
#specify a Base Image FROM node:12
MAINTAINER in Dockerfile Instruction is used to about the person who creates the Docker Image
MAINTAINER [email protected]
#3: CMD –
CMD in Dockerfile Instruction is used to execute a command in Running container, There should be one CMD in a Dockerfile.
CMD executes the commands when your Docker Image is deployed.
Example 1:
# To run apache2 in foreground CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
Example 2:
FROM ubuntu:latest
CMD /bin/bash
#4: RUN –
RUN in Dockerfile Instruction is used to execute any commands on top of current Docker Image
RUN executes the command when you are building Image.
Example 1:
FROM ubuntu:latest MAINTAINER [email protected] RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y apache2
If you want to run .sh(shell script) file inside Dockerfile
RUN ./
RUN /path/to/
#5: LABEL –
LABEL in Dockerfile Instruction is used to specify metadata information of Docker Image.
FROM ubuntu:latest
LABEL "author"="FOSS TechNIx"
LABEL "Date"="2020-09-29"
#6: EXPOSE –
EXPOSE in Dockerfile Instruction is used to specify Network port for Docker container
Example 1:
# To Expose port 80 of Docker container EXPOSE 80
Example 2:
EXPOSE 8080/tcp
#7: ENV –
ENV in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set Environment Variables with key and value.
Example 1:
FROM node:12
ENV workdirectory /usr/node
#8: ADD –
ADD: Copies a file and directory from your host to Docker image, however can also fetch remote URLs, extract TAR/ZIP files, etc. It is used downloading remote resources, extracting TAR/ZIP files.
ADD <source>... <destination>
Example 1:
ADD java/jdk-8u231-linux-x64.tar /opt/jdk/
Example 2:
ADD /home/ubuntu/test/
#9: COPY –
COPY in Dockerfile Instruction used to Copies a file or directory from your host to Docker image, It is used to simply copying files or directories into the build context.
COPY <source>... <destination>
Example 1:
# To Install All dependencies for Node.js App COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install # To copy all application packages COPY . .
Example 2:
COPY index.html /var/www/html
ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile Instruction is used you to configure a container that you can run as an executable.
ENTRYPOINT specifies a commands that will executes when the Docker container starts.
Example 1:
FROM ubuntu:latest ENTRYPOINT ["ls"]
#11: VOLUME –
VOLUME in Dockerfile Instruction is used to create or mount volume to docker container.
Example 1:
FROM node:12
RUN mkdir /node
RUN echo "Welcome to Node.js" > node
VOLUME /node
#12: USER –
USER in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set the user name and UID when running container
Example 1:
USER admin
To create new user in Dockerfile and login to user.
Example 2:
RUN adduser -D admin USER admin
#13: WORKDIR –
WORKDIR in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set the working directory.
Example 1:
# To Create nodejsapp directory WORKDIR /nodejsapp
#14: ARG –
ARG in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set Environment variables with key and value during the image build .
Example 1:
ARG JAVA_PATH=/opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_251
#15: ONBUILD –
ONBUILD in Dockerfile Instruction is used to specify command that runs when the image in Dockerfile is used as base image for another image.
Examples 1:
FROM node:12 RUN mkdir -p /usr/node/app WORKDIR /usr/node/app ONBUILD COPY package.json /usr/node/app/ ONBUILD RUN npm install ONBUILD COPY . /usr/node/app CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
STOPSIGNAL in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit
Example 1:
#17: SHELL –
SHELL in Dockerfile Instruction is used to set the default shell.
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"]
HEALTHCHECK in Dockerfile Instruction is used to Check container health by running a command inside the container
Example 1:
FROM ubuntu:latest
HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=5s \
CMD curl -f || exit 1
#19: .dockerignore –
.dockerignore in Dockerfile Instruction is used to prevent copy local modules and other unwanted file being copied into Docker Image.
Create a .dockerignore in same directory and you can add unwanted modules/files into it.
sudo nano .dockerignore
We have covered Dockerfile Instructions with Examples/Dockerfile Instructions Explained with Examples.
Dockerfile Instructions FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is difference between Dockerfile ADD vs COPY ?
ADD: Copies a file and directory from your host to Docker image, however can also fetch remote URLs, extract TAR/ZIP files, etc. It is used downloading remote resources, extracting TAR/ZIP files.
ADD <source> <destination>
ADD java/jdk-8u231-linux-x64.tar /opt/jdk/
COPY : Copies a file or directory from your host to Docker image, It is used to simply copying files or directories into the build context.
COPY <source> <destination>
COPY index.html /var/www/html
What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?
CMD in Dockerfile Instruction is used to execute a command in Running container, There should be one CMD in a Dockerfile.
ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile Instruction is used you to configure a container that you can run as an executable.
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