Integrate Remote MySQL Database to Grafana

In this article, we will learn, how to connect Grafana to a remote MySQL database. Grafana, a powerful open-source platform for data visualization and monitoring, supports various data sources, including MySQL, making it a popular choice for creating insightful dashboards. Connecting Grafana to a remote MySQL database allows you to leverage the power of data visualization for monitoring and analysis.


  • AWS Account with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS EC2 Instance.
  • Basic knowledge of AWS services and Grafana.

Step #1:Install Grafana on Ubuntu

First import the GPG key used by the Grafana package.

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Integrate Remote MySQL Database to Grafana 1

Add the Grafana repository to the APT sources.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable main"
Integrate Remote MySQL Database to Grafana 2

Update the package lists

sudo apt update
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then install the grafana

sudo apt install grafana
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Start the Grafana service and then enable it.

sudo systemctl start grafana-server
sudo systemctl enable grafana-server
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and if everything works fine and your service is running properly then run grafana by running your public ip address and port number 3000 which is default port of grafana in searchbar.

you will see the login page of grafana (UI) user interface

Grafana has admin as default username and password

How to Monitor MySQL with Prometheus and Grafana 19

it will ask for changing the password you can change it or skip it.

How to Monitor MySQL with Prometheus and Grafana 20

then you will see the welcome page of grafana.

How to Monitor MySQL with Prometheus and Grafana 21

Step #2:Install MySQL on Ubuntu

Update the system.

sudo apt update 
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now install the mysql using following command.

sudo apt install mysql-server -y
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check the status to verify the mysql is running properly on your system.

sudo systemctl status mysql
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Step #3:Configure MySQL for remote access

Open the MySQL configuration file using the following command

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
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Adjust the Bind Address and change it to

bind-address    =
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This change allows MySQL to listen for connections from any IP address.

Save and close the file, then restart the MySQL service

sudo systemctl restart mysql
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Now that MySQL is set up for remote connections. Lets create a Mysql database which we will visualize and monitor.

First log into the MySQL Console

sudo mysql -u root 
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now create a database using following mysql commands.

Create the database

CREATE DATABASE sensor_data;

Switch to the newly created database

USE sensor_data;

Create the table for sensor readings

CREATE TABLE sensor_readings (
    timestamp DATETIME,
    temperature FLOAT,
    humidity FLOAT,
    location VARCHAR(50)

Now, let’s insert some example data into the sensor_readings table:

INSERT INTO sensor_readings (timestamp, temperature, humidity, location) VALUES
('2024-04-17 09:00:00', 25.5, 50.2, 'Living Room'),
('2024-04-17 09:05:00', 26.0, 49.8, 'Kitchen'),
('2024-04-17 09:10:00', 25.8, 51.0, 'Bedroom'),
('2024-04-17 09:15:00', 24.9, 52.3, 'Bathroom'),
('2024-04-17 09:20:00', 25.2, 48.7, 'Office');

View all the databases to see if our database is added or not.

show databases;
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his will add some example sensor readings to the sensor_readings table, each with a timestamp, temperature, humidity, and location.

Create a new user with a unique, strong password

CREATE USER 'fosstechnix' IDENTIFIED BY 'devops';
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Grant the new user (fosstechnix) the SELECT permission for the sensor_data database.

GRANT SELECT ON sensor_data.* TO 'fosstechnix';
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Flush privileges to ensure the changes take effect, then exit the MySQL console.

flush privileges;

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Step #4:Configure the MySQL Database to grafana

Now go to the Grafana home page and select Connections > Add new connections.

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search for Mysql in the search box and select it.

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now click on Add new data source from up-right side.

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Enter the host URL which your Publick IP address:3306 (default port number for Mysql) and Database name: sensor_data in Connection section.

In Authentication section Give the Username and Password which we have created.

Enable the Skip TLS Verify.

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Now click on Save and test and you will receive the message our Mysql database connection is OK

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Go to dashboards and click on Create Dashboard.

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Click on Add visualization.

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Select mysql as a data source.

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Now in Query, Select sensor_data Dataset, sensor_readings as a Table and * as Column and click on Run query. Select Table as a visualization format.

This will show us the sensor_data from the Mysql database in table format.

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In this article, we’ve learned how to connect Grafana to a remote MySQL database. After setting up Grafana and MySQL, we configured MySQL for remote access, created a database with sample sensor data, and granted appropriate user permissions. Integrating MySQL Database with Grafana, we created a dashboard to visualize sensor readings, enabling efficient monitoring and analysis. By leveraging Grafana’s capabilities for data visualization and monitoring, we can gain valuable insights from our MySQL data. With Grafana’s powerful visualization tools and MySQL’s robust data storage capabilities, the possibilities for insights and optimizations are endless.

Related Articles:

How to Forward Logs to Grafana Loki using Promtail


Grafana Installation official page

Prasad Hole

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