Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and GitLab[ Part 2]

Last article, We had covered Kubernetes Deployment Using Helm [Part 1]

In this article, We are going to perform Automatic Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and GitLab CI CD Pipeline with Auto restart Kubernetes Pod on same version.

Also, You can deploy to Dev, Test, UAT and Production Environment within same GitLab CI YML.


If you want to create CI CD pipeline to Auto deployment to Kubernetes using GitLab and Helm with auto restart pod


If you have not setup Kubernetes Cluster , Follow below articles to setup.

9 Steps to Setup Kubernetes on AWS using KOPS

1. Install Helm on GitLab Runner Instance

First, Install the GitLab Runner on GitLab Runner Instance where you are Registering GitLab Runner of your project Repositories

sudo wget
sudo tar -zxvf helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
sudo snap install helm --classic

2. Encode Kube config into Base64

Login to Kubernetes master/management node and encode kube config into base 64

ls -a
cd .kube
cat config  | base64

Copy the output in Notepad

Now Login to your GitLab Server, Create a variable in named “k8sconfig” in your GitLab Project , type should be as File and click on Add variable

add environment variable in gitlab

3. Create file named “config_k8s” in GitLab Runner

sudo nano config_k8s

4. Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and GitLab

open your project’s .gitlab-ci.yml , add below lines in deploy stage.

  stage: deploy
  when: manual
  image: Docker_ECR_Image_URI/${SERVICE_TEST}:latest
    - sudo mkdir -p /etc/deploy
    - cat ${config_k8s} | base64 -d > config_test
    - sudo cp -r config_dev /etc/deploy/config
    - kubectl config set-cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --server="${SERVER}"
    - kubectl config set clusters.${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}.certificate-authority-data ${CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_DATA}
    - kubectl config set-credentials gitlab-runner --token="${USER_TOKEN}"
    - kubectl config set-context ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --user=gitlab-runner
    - kubectl config use-context ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}
    - helm init --client-only
    - helm repo add stable
    - helm repo add incubator
    - helm repo update
    - export API_VERSION=$(grep "appVersion" ${SERVICE_TEST}/Chart.yaml | cut -d '"' -f2)
    - export DEPLOYS=$(helm ls | grep $RELEASE_NAME | wc -l)
    - if [ ${DEPLOYS}  -eq 0 ]; then helm install --name=${RELEASE_NAME} ${SERVICE_TEST}; else helm upgrade --recreate-pods ${RELEASE_NAME} ${SERVICE_TEST}; fi

5. Setup GitLab Environment Variables

Add Below Project’s microservice and Kubernetes clusters value in your GitLab Project Environment Variables

Navigating to Settings there is one option CI/CD inside this click on Expand of Variables.

  • SERVICE_TEST  : Project’s Micro Service Name
  • K8S_CLUSTER_NAME: Kubernetes Cluster ( for ex.
  • SERVER: Kubernetes Server URL ( for ex:   
  • CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_DATA : ( Kubernetes Cluster certificate-authority-data value)
  • USER_TOKEN: Kubernetes Cluster’s Secrets

you can get USER_TOKEN using below command and get the token value.

kubectl describe secrets service-account-name -n namespace 


In this article, We have covered Automatic Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and GitLab CI CD Pipeline.

Related Articles

7 Steps for GitLab Runner Registration


GitLab Official Page

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