GitLab CI CD Pipeline for php,Python,Drupal Application[6 steps]

In this article, We are going to perform GitLab CI CD Pipeline for php, Python,Drupal Application with SonarQube in 6 Easy Steps

GitLab CI CD Pipeline for php, Python,Drupal Application

  1. First Users need to login with GitLab username and password to GitLab account
  2. Click on your project and select Settings as shown below

Click on your project and select Settings in gitlab

3. Navigating to Settings there is one option CI/CD inside this click on Expand of Variables as shown below

  • Add IP addresses, usernames, passwords of servers like Stage, Dev, UAT and Prod environments as a variable
  • Add credentials (URL, Username and Password) of SonarQube as a variable
  • So we can use these variables in our CI CD yaml files.

click on Expand of Variables in gitlab

4. Write script for sonarqube code scan through the CI CD pipeline and keep it root directory of source code as

Use sonarqube variables for accessing sonar server.

$ sudo nano

Paste the below lines in it


      sonar-scanner -X -Dsonar.projectKey=CLAR:Timesheet -Dsonar.sources=."$Sonarqube_Server_URL" -Dsonar.login="$Sonarqube_Project_Key" -Dsonar.gitlab.max_major_issues_gate=0 -Dsonar.qualitygate.wait=true -Dsonar.analysis.mode=publish -Dsonar.qualitygate.timeout=900 -Dsonar.scanner.metadataFilePath='analysis.txt'

      export status=$(cat analysis.txt | jq -r '.task.status') #Status as SUCCESS, CANCELED or FAILED

      export analysisId=$(cat analysis.txt | jq -r '.task.analysisId') #Get the analysis Id

      curl -k -u "$Sonarqube_Project_Key":"" http:// Sonarqube_Server_URL:9000/api/qualitygates/project_status?analysisId=$analysisId -o result.txt; #Analysis result like critical, major and minor issues

      export result=$(cat result.txt | jq -r '.projectStatus.status');

      if [ "$result" == "ERROR" ];then

        echo -e "91mSONAR RESULTS FAILED";

        echo "$(cat result.txt | jq -r '.projectStatus.conditions')"; #prints the critical, major and minor violations

        exit 1 #breaks the build for violations



        echo "$(cat result.txt | jq -r '.projectStatus.conditions')";

        exit 0


5. Write yaml for CI CD pipeline and keep it root directory of source code as gitlab-ci.yml

$ sudo nano gitlab-ci.yml

Paste the below lines in it.

  - test
  - deploy

  stage: test
  when: manual 
    - chmod 755
    - ./
  allow_failure: false
       - production

  stage: deploy
  when: manual
    name: Production
    url: "$LIVE_SERVER_IP"
  - 'which ssh-agent || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install openssh-client -y )'
  - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
  - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
  - '[[ -f /.dockerenv ]] && echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config'
    - ssh-add <(echo "$LIVE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY")
    - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no User@"$LIVE_SERVER_IP" "cd /var/www/html/Project && git fetch --all && git checkout production && git pull origin production && exit"
    - production

6. Now your CI CD pipeline is ready run. Afterwards whenever developer will be pushed code to Git then your CI CD pipeline will be triggered. If you have set manual trigger for Production, then you need to trigger manually.

  1. First Users need to login with their GitLab username and password to GitLab account
  2. Navigating to CI/CD inside this there is one option Pipelines just click on this option and then click on play button of Job.

click on play button of Job in gitlab

If build successes then you will get result passed as below.

If build successes then you will get result passed


In this article, We have covered GitLab CI CD Pipeline for php, Python,Drupal Application with SonarQube in 6 Easy Steps

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Mahesh Karale

I am Mahesh Karale working as DevOps Engineer. Likes to Explore and Research on Linux, Cloud and DevOps Tools.

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