How to Manage Users and Groups in Linux

In this article we are going to learn How we can add/remove/modify users and groups on Linux operating systems using CLI / How to Manage Users and Groups in Linux.

Manage Users and Groups in Linux

What is a Linux user?

A user is an entity, in a Linux operating system, that can manipulate files and perform several other operations.

Types of Linux Users

There are two types of users which exist on a typical Linux operating system.

Linux System users

A system user account is created by the operating system during its installation and is used for operation system defined purposes. They have user id’s predefined (100-999)

This range can be verified in the file /etc/login.defs

cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i SYS_UID_MIN
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i SYS_UID_MAX
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i SYS_GID_MIN
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i SYS_GID_MAX
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Linux Regular users

The regular user accounts has ids begin from 1000.

cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i UID_MIN | grep -v -E '^\#'
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i UID_MAX | grep -v -E '^\#'
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i GID_MIN | grep -v -E '^\#'
cat /etc/login.defs  | grep -i GID_MAX | grep -v -E '^\#'
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Linux user Accounts:

When we create a local user account, users login information and all other details are stored in the /etc/passwd file.


username:password:UID:GID:name:home directory:shell
Field NumberField Value Description
1UsernameThe username given at the time of creation.
2PasswordThe password stored as ‘x’ indicates that encrypted password is stored in /etc/shadow file
3UIDEach user on linux must be assigned a user ID (UID)
4GIDThe primary group ID the user is associated to.
5CommentContains extra information about the user as its full name, phone number etc.
6Home Directory The absolute path to the user’s home directory
7Login ShellThe absolute path to the ‘shell’ the user will be assigned when login.

Create a Linux user

Create new user in linux using below commands:

useradd demo
cat /etc/passwd | grep -i demo
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Following are the commonly used options.

-b : The default base directory for the system.

-c: Adds description/comment to a user account.

-d: The new user will be created using HOME_DIR as the value for the users login directory.

-f: The number of days after a password expires until the account is permanently disabled. 

-k: The skeleton directory, which contains files and directories to be copied in the user’s home directory, when the home directory is created by useradd.

-m: Create the user’s home directory if it does not exist. The files and directories contained in the skeleton directory will be copied to the home directory.

-M: Do not create the user’s home directory, even if the system wide setting from /etc/login.defs (CREATE_HOME) is set to yes.

-s: The name of the user’s login shell. The default is to leave this field blank, which causes the system to select the default login shell specified by the SHELL variable in /etc/default/useradd, or an empty string by default.

-u: The numerical value of the user’s ID.

-g: The group name or number of the user’s initial login group.

-G: Adds the user to multiple groups.

-r: Files in the user’s home directory will be removed along with the home directory itself and the user’s mail spool.

Assign Password to a Linux user

Using the below command we can assign passwords to linux users.

passwd demo
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Delete Linux user

Using the below command you can delete a user from the Linux operating system.

userdel -r demo1
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Modifying users properties in Linux

Following commands are used to modify an existing user’s properties.

Update the comment part

usermod -c “This is demo user” demo
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Change User Home Directory

usermod -d /var/www/ demo
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Setting User Account Expiry Date

usermod -e 2022-11-05 demo
chage -l demo

Lock and unlock the user account

Use ‘-L’ (lock) option with usermod command to lock the user account and to unlock use -U option.

Once locked, the user can’t login by using the password and you will see a ! added before the encrypted password in /etc/shadow file, meaning the password is disabled.

usermod -L demo
usermod -U demo
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Group Management

There are two types of groups in Linux. The primary group and secondary group. On Linux when you create a user the primary group that the user belongs to also gets created with the same name as the user.

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You can see in the above image that the demo user is part of its own primary group named demo.

Create a Linux Group 

Use below command to create a linux group

groupadd mygroup
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Add users to a Linux group

We can add users to become part of any other groups

usermod -G mygroup demo
usermod -G mygroup sample
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Now another way to check group information of a Linux user using id and groups command

id demo
id sample
groups demo
groups sample
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Change name of a Linux group

Use below command to change name of linux group


groupmod -n newname oldname
groupmod -n mynewgrp mygroup
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Change GID of a Linux group

Use below command to change GID of linux group


groupmod -g newgid groupname
group -g 1008 mynewgrp
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Remove a user from Linux group

Use below commands to remove a user from Linux group

gpasswd -d sample mynewgrp
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Delete or Remove a Linux group

Use below command to delete or remove linux group

groupdel mynewgrp
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We have covered Manage User and Groups in Linux


How we can add/remove/modify users and groups on Linux operating systems using CLI / How to Manage Users and Groups in Linux.

Related Articles:

  1. Linux directory structure explained in details
  2. Linux Directory Structure Explained for Beginners


Linux Redhat Official page

Shweta Mamidwar

I am Shweta Mamidwar working as a Intern in Product Company. Likes to share knowledge.

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