In this article we are going to cover File Handling in Python with Examples, Read files in python, Create Files in Python, write file in Python, write to file in Python, Delete a File in Python and remove folder in Python.
File Handling in Python
Python has several functions for creating, reading, updating and deleting files.
When we want to read from or write to a file, we need to open it first. When we are done, it needs to be closed so that the resources that are tied with the file are freed.
Steps used during file handling in python:
- Opening a file to write.
- Read or Write.
- Close the file.
File Handling : Opening
The open() function takes two parameters: filename and mode.
There are four different methods for opening a file:
“r” – Read – If you want to read from a file.
“w” – Write – If you want to write to a file erasing completely previous data.
“a” – Append – If you want to append to previously writtrn file.
“x” – create – If you want just to create a file.
Additional used modes to specify the type of file is:
- “t” – Text – text file, Default value.
- “b” – Binary – binary file. (e.g. images)
file = open(“filename.txt”)
Another Syntax:
file = open(“file.png”)
The open() function returns a file object, which has a read() method for reading the content of the file
Example of Read files in python:
file = open("demofile2.txt", "r")
Hello! Welcome to FOSS TechNix

Example of read() mode character wise in Python:
file = open("demofile2.txt", "r")
In this Example we will read only first five characters only.

If the file is located in different location you will have to specify the file path:
file = open("C:\\file\\demofile2.txt", "r")
Write or Create Files in Python:
To write a file you have to open it in write mode and then you can write. It is important to note that all previously written data will be overwritten.
Example of write or create file in python:
file = open("append.txt", "a")
file.write("This is append Example.")
file = open ("append.txt","r")
print (
Hello! Welcome to FOSS TechNixThis is append Example.

Another Example of write file in Python :
In this example Open the txt file and overwrite the content
file = open("write.txt", "w")
file.write("This is read or write Example.")
file = open ("write.txt","r")
print (
This is read or write Example.

Example of write to file in Python:
file = open('file.txt', 'w')
L = ["This is Mumbai \n", "This is Nanded \n", "This is Thane \n"]
s = "Hello\n"
file = open('file.txt', 'r')
This is Mumbai
This is Nanded
This is Thane

Create a New File in Python:
To create a new file in Python. Use the open() method.
“x” – Create – Create a new file
“a” – Append – Create a file if the same file does not exist.
“w” – write – Create a file if the same file does not exist.
Example of create a new file in Python:
file = open(“file.txt”, “x”)
A new empty file created.
Delete a File in Python :
If you want to delete a file, you have to import the OS module, and run as os.remove() Method.
Example of delete a file in Python:
import os
if os.path.exists("demofile2.txt"):
print("The file does not exist")
File deleted.
If you want to delete entire folder then use os.rmdir() method.
Example of remove folder in Python:
import os
Note: you can remove only empty folders.
Folder removed.
We have covered File Handling in Python with Examples, Read files in python, Create Files in Python, write file in Python, write to file in Python, Delete a File in Python and remove folder in Python.
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