How to Download and Install Oracle JAVA 11 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 LTS

In this article, We are going to perform How to Download and Install Oracle JAVA 11 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 LTS Manually or any other cloud platform like Amazon Ec2, Azure VM, Google Cloud Compute,etc. with preinstalled Ubuntu OS.


Java is a set of software and specifications developed at Sun Microsystems. There are two tyes of Java Platforms are JDK (Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Both are helpful for deploying applications on servers and debugging, JVM monitoring,developing.

Oracle Java 8 has ended support in January 2019, You should upgrade to latest version.


  • Ubuntu Server 16.04/18.04 LTS
  • SSH access with sudo privileges

To check Ubuntu version:

$ uname -a


$ cat /etc/os-release


$ cat /etc/os-release

VERSION="16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS"

Follow the below steps to Install Oracle Java 11 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 LTS Manually using command line.

Step 1: Download Oracle Java 11

Generally Oracle will not allow to download directly without accepting their licences. We have to create one account in Oracle java website by your personal or official mail. After accepting licence download the application from browser to local machine.

This link takes you to the Oracle home website Oracel Java SRE.

Once you opened above link goto “Java SE Development Kit 11.0.6” section, click on “Accept License Agreement” Radio button and download “jdk-11.0.6_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz” setup for ubuntu.

download oracle java 11 for ubuntu

After downloading into local machine, using SCP/SFTP/FTP transfer the file from local machine to Ubuntu server.

Step 2: Copy downloaded Setup and Extract

Create a directory /opt/jdk

$ sudo mkdir  -p /opt/jdk

Copy the tar  file from the directory copied from local machine to server to /opt/jdk folder and execute below command:

$ sudo cp -rf /home/fosstechnix/jdk-11.0.6_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz /opt/jdk
$ cd /opt/jdk/
$ sudo sudo tar -zxf jdk-11.0.6_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

Now unarchived the file and check the content by long-list:

# ls


$ ls

jdk-11.0.6 jdk-11.0.6_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

Step 3: Install Oracle Java 11 on Ubuntu with Alternatives

Use update-alternatives command to configure java on your system
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java 100
After executing above command it shows below output:
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode

Note : Its not particularly o/p if you have installed open jdk before

Step 4: Verify Update Alternatives

Enter below command shows output:
$ sudo update-alternatives --display java
java - auto mode
  link best version is /opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java
  link currently points to /opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java
  link java is /usr/bin/java
/opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java - priority 100
To change for alternative mode:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
Here In my system, I am configuring Java 11 first time, if you had installed any previous version of java it shows options like 0,1,2 to set default version of Java.
 There is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.6/bin/java
Nothing to configure.

Step 5: Setting the JAVA_HOME Environment Variables

To define the enviroment variable:
$ sudo  nano /etc/environment
Paste the below varible on the file:
To check variables defined:
$ source /etc/environment
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
$ sudo apt-get update

Step 6: Verify Java Version

To check the java version:
$ java -version
java version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.6+8-LTS)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.6+8-LTS, mixed mode)
If you seeing output like above then we have  successfully downloaded and installed oracle Java 11 on Ubuntu Manually.


In this article, We have downloaded Oracle Java 8 from official site, installed using command line, configured JAVA_HOME ,checked to switch java version and checked installed java version using command line.

How to Download and Install Oracle Java 8 on CentOS 7 

How to Download and Install Oracle JAVA 8 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 LTS

Sivasai Sagar

I am working as DevOps Engineer and having 5 years of Experience. Likes to share knowledge.

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